This blog contains the rantings, ravings and thoughts of a sometimes lunatic. It will also contain cartoons and other thoughts I like.

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Monday, December 28, 2009

Christmas with Aunt Marge

My Aunt Marge came to visit this Christmas.  She is Civilian Military and is currently stationed in Spain.  When shen comes to visit she brings gifts for the family from what ever part of the world she is stationed in.  She has brought me some amazing and beautiful Santa's to add to my collection.  This year one of the things she brought was a matador hat and when we put it on Isaac he walked around Grandma nad Tigger's (Great Grandpa Long has called Isaac
 "Tigger "from day one.  Isaac now calls his great grandpa "Tigger")house with his 'hat' on.  Thank you for your thoughtfulness Marge.
We Love You

Marge and Santa

Christmas 2009 comes to an end

The time has come to hang up the Santa suit for another year.  It was a lot of fun.  Santa wishes he could get a dollar for every time he was asked for a Nintendo DS or DSI.  That was the rage this year.

Vickie and I spent the morning with Cathi and Shawn watching Issac open his gifts.  It was a lot of fun.  He got some Mega Blocks and had more fun dumping them out and walking through them than building with them.  Kids make Christmas a whole lot ore fun.

Cathi told me I need some help with the pictures I take with my new Canon camera.  I tolg her my camera is smarter than I am and I am still tryng to figure both it and Lightroom picture editing out.  This is one of the pictures I took Christmas day.  I aged it and darkened it a little bit.  I am having fun trying new things with my new camera.

I hope all of you have a great New Year.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

A visit with Santa

Santa was visited by Cathi, Shawn, Isaac and Vickie last night at the castle in Christmas Village.  As you can see Isaac did not want to see Santa, even though he and Cathi had talked about it all day.  When he was at the back of the castle he was okay with Santa, at least as much as he could see me.  When he got up close it was a different story.  He did not cry or scream, he just closed his eyes and buried his head in Cathi's shoulder.  No matter how she turned he made sure he could not see Santa.  He knows his Grandpas voice and would look at Santa knowing the voice but not the face. 

It will probably be the last time I can do Santa for him.  Once he saw Santa's candy cane stash he forgot how close he was to Santa. I then made the mistake of rubbing the top of his head and when he turned around and saw Santa, he did not care about the candy.  He closed his eyes and reached for his mom or grandma to rescue him.  It was a lot of fun to have them in the castle as the last group of the night.  We did get a good family picture before it was all over.  As you can see he is not looking at Santa.  Santa wants to wish everybody a very Merry Christmas and also wants to remind you all that Christmas is all about the birth of the Savior and please make sure your children, grandchildren and anyone else you come in contact with remembers:

Jesus is the reason for the season

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Isaac and Jane

I don't think I need to say much about this.  He is starting young.  He likes Jane and is always kissing her.  Cathi and Patti are going to have their hands full.

Thanksgiving with Issac

Thanksgiving this year was a real treat.  We had Thanksgiving with Cathi, Shawn and Issac.  As you can tell from the picture Isaac enjoyed his meal.  Last year his mom said he ate two teaspoons of strained pears for dinner.  This year he got the full blown dinner and as you can see he is wearing alot of it.  The mess on his shirt is from his signing please for more food.  He likes his grandpa's cranberry jello.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Santa Comes to town

It is that time of year again.  I have started putting on the red suit and doing the Santa thing for Ogden City.  I was in the Christmas Parade again this year.  It was a warm night so the crowd was large.  It was a lot of fun, as always.  Shawn and Cathi brought Isaac down to see the parade.  He was okay with Santa as lng as he was on the float but when Sanat got off the float, Isaac buried his head in Shawn's shoulder and wouldn't even open his eyes.  I am in the castle two nights a week(Thur and Fri).  Santa is in more scrapbooks than you would believe.  Santa has had pictures with all ages from about 2 months to over 75 years old.  When peole come to the castle and I am there all ages are fair game even though the sign says 12 years and under.Today I did a ward party for my sister.  It was a take off on the Polar Express.  Santa handed out bells instead of candy.  That was a great treat for me.  Mrs Claus spoiled me for Christams.  She bought me a new Canon Digital camera with three lenses.  And she bought me Adobe Lightroom 2 editing software.  This is one of my trial shots.  But Santa bought the Mrs. a gypsy for her cricut along with several cartridges.  So we were both spoiled.  Oh just for the record the finishing touches on the living room still aren't done.