This blog contains the rantings, ravings and thoughts of a sometimes lunatic. It will also contain cartoons and other thoughts I like.

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Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Misc Thoughts

Vick and I spent last week in Yellowstone Park.  As the sticker in my truck window says "Yellowstone is my happy place."  This picture was taken early one morning on the Madison River.  Thoroughly enjoyed the time we spent in the Park.  It is almost a spiritual experience for me. 

Within the next four weeks I will be the grandpa of twin girls.  It is hard to believe but very exciting.  Can't wait.

Life is good for me.  My breathing seems to be getting better.  I have spent some time cooking in a couple of schools.  That has been a lot of fun. 

I have a great wife, whom I love very much.  We have a lot of fun together.  Looking forward to many more years together.