Like everybody, I am am making several New Years Resolutions. They include things like losing weight (isn't that everybody's?), reading more, less TV, exercising more, getting more sleep(going to bed before midnight), keeping my journal up, posting on my blog on a regular basis, and getting pictures printed. There are assorted other ones also. I also need to cut down how much time I spend on Pintrest. Vickie really wants me to keep my journal up because she says after I am gone that is how she and my grand kids will remember me. A morbid thought, but then on the other hand I am getting old and death happens to all of us.
2011 had its ups and downs just like every one's year. I had to resign my job with the city because of health reasons, but that freed me up to help Cathi in the early stages of her pregnancy. In November we welcomed twin grand daughters into the family. They are a joy and their big brother Isaac is a riot. He is growing up so fast and is so smart. Last fall I was added to the substitute cooks list for the county schools. It is interesting to feed kids from elementary to high school. It really isn't cooking, it is reheat add serve, but it has been interesting to work in what has been a predominately woman's world. The kids seem to get a big kick out of it. Christmas was fun with three grandchildren this year and it only promises to get better, as the kids get older. I think I have rambled enough. Goodnight.