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Saturday, January 30, 2010

What’s Your Soup Personality?

You’ve heard it a million times: you are what you eat. But what exactly does that mean? According to a study by Brian Wansink of the University of Illinois, it means that the kind of soup you prefer can determine quite a few things about your personality.

When 602 women and 401 men were surveyed by telephone, here’s what Wansink and his researchers found:

The four most popular soups are chicken noodle, tomato, minestrone, and vegetable.

Chicken noodle soup lovers score high on the church-going scale, are fond of pets, are more likely to be stubborn, and less likely to be outdoorsy.

Minestrone slurpers are more likely to be physically fit, nutritionally conscious, family spirited, and on a restricted diet. They are also less likely to own a pet.

Vegetable soup aficionados are homebodies at heart, less likely to be world travelers, less likely to be spontaneous, and more likely to read family and home magazines.

Tomato soup sippers can stomach more adventure, are more likely to be social, and tend to enjoy books and pets.

Two-thirds of those surveyed agreed that soup made them feel better about themselves, and more than half said chicken noodle soup made them feel better when sick.

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