This blog contains the rantings, ravings and thoughts of a sometimes lunatic. It will also contain cartoons and other thoughts I like.

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Tuesday, August 30, 2011

A day with Isaac

I have become a volunteer for Find A Grave.  Check it out at:  It is a great way to add to your family history.

This past month I had my grandson with me on one of my picture taking trips to the cemetery.  He had a lot of fun and as you can tell he tried to upright one of the stones that was tipped over.  He was very upset that somebody would tip it over and not stand it back up.  He wanted to know all about cemeteries and in the process asked a thousand why questions about why dead people are buried there and where are they buried.  I wouldn't trade that afternoon for anything.  And he wants to go take more pictures with grandpa.

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