This blog contains the rantings, ravings and thoughts of a sometimes lunatic. It will also contain cartoons and other thoughts I like.

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Thursday, August 11, 2011

Eating Smarter

I have started trying to eat better and thus I have started a new blog with healthy recipes.  I have not given up on the regular recipe blog because I don't forsee myself ever quitting the cooking and baking I enjoy and have for years.  I will be eating a little smarter and exercising more.  My goal is to lose about a pound a week.  My doctors tell me if I can do the every week it shows the small changes I am making in my eating are sustainable over the long haul.  So far this year I am down about 15-18 pounds.  I know for somebody my size that is not much but If can can lose that much more by the end of the year, I will be down between 30 and 40 pounds.  What a grand adventure.

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