This blog contains the rantings, ravings and thoughts of a sometimes lunatic. It will also contain cartoons and other thoughts I like.

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Sunday, June 8, 2008

Grandpas Favorite Past Time

Grandpa gets to do what he likes to do best. I try to read to Isaac everytime we get together. We read everything from Dr. Suess to any book his mom or grandma give me. As you can tell at this time most of this log revolves arounf d my little bear. But since it is my blog a I can do what I want. Isaac is now eight weeks old. He is growing so fast. Being a grandpa is the greatest thing in the world.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Grandma gives Isaac a bath and washes his hair

Tonight Cathi called to see if Grandma was coming out to see her 'peanut'. She was curious because Vickie rarely goes more than two days without visiting her grandson. She ended up giving Isaac a bath and then she washed his hair. This was the first time she had washed his hair and the second time she had given him a bath without Cathi's help. Vickie was in seventh heaven. As we were coming home Vickie commented that when she is holding her grandson nothing else matters. I can't imagine why. Cathi likes having her mom out there because grandma takes care of her peanut, Cathi is free to get some things done she wants to do. I am glad Cathi calls her mom a lot because it means so much to her to actually be friends with Cathi and getting to be with her grandson is a very special added bonus.

Isaac was Blessed: Sunday, 1 June 2008

Sunday, June 1st, Isaac was blessed by his father and given the name Isaac Shawn McOmber. His father gave him an awsome blessing. Isaac's not quite as excited at this point in the day as are his mom and dad. There was great support from family and friends. In fact Cathi and Shawn probably had fifty people at their home after the block meetings to share in their joy. It was a special time as we were able to hear both Cathi and Shawn bear their testimonies. It has been a long time since I heard Cathi bear her testimony and she brought tears to her fathers eyes. Ask anybody and they will tell you I don't cry very often but Cathi has done it to me twice in the last seven weeks. First with the birth of Isaac and second with her testimony, but don't tell anybody, 'cause I don't want them to know I have a soft side. Shawn's blessing and his testimony didn't help the tough guy image of this old man either.