This blog contains the rantings, ravings and thoughts of a sometimes lunatic. It will also contain cartoons and other thoughts I like.

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Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Misc Thoughts

Vick and I spent last week in Yellowstone Park.  As the sticker in my truck window says "Yellowstone is my happy place."  This picture was taken early one morning on the Madison River.  Thoroughly enjoyed the time we spent in the Park.  It is almost a spiritual experience for me. 

Within the next four weeks I will be the grandpa of twin girls.  It is hard to believe but very exciting.  Can't wait.

Life is good for me.  My breathing seems to be getting better.  I have spent some time cooking in a couple of schools.  That has been a lot of fun. 

I have a great wife, whom I love very much.  We have a lot of fun together.  Looking forward to many more years together.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

A day with Isaac

I have become a volunteer for Find A Grave.  Check it out at:  It is a great way to add to your family history.

This past month I had my grandson with me on one of my picture taking trips to the cemetery.  He had a lot of fun and as you can tell he tried to upright one of the stones that was tipped over.  He was very upset that somebody would tip it over and not stand it back up.  He wanted to know all about cemeteries and in the process asked a thousand why questions about why dead people are buried there and where are they buried.  I wouldn't trade that afternoon for anything.  And he wants to go take more pictures with grandpa.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Grandpa's Bear

As Earl Pickle from the cartoon strip "Pickles" by Brian Crane says:

   "everyday you can be with your grandson is a   
good day"

Right now, Issac is my only grandchild, but he has twin sisters due in Dec.  That will change my life and I can't wait.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Eating Smarter

I have started trying to eat better and thus I have started a new blog with healthy recipes.  I have not given up on the regular recipe blog because I don't forsee myself ever quitting the cooking and baking I enjoy and have for years.  I will be eating a little smarter and exercising more.  My goal is to lose about a pound a week.  My doctors tell me if I can do the every week it shows the small changes I am making in my eating are sustainable over the long haul.  So far this year I am down about 15-18 pounds.  I know for somebody my size that is not much but If can can lose that much more by the end of the year, I will be down between 30 and 40 pounds.  What a grand adventure.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Baking cookies with Isaac

Last week my grandson and I had the chance to bake cookies together.  It was easy enough, because we used a sugar cookie mix.  He liked pouring the mix in the bowl and using the mixer to mix the ingredients.  
He even has a little red apron to wear to keep his clothes clean. 

As you can see, Isaac is even using his tounge to help get the cookie dough out of the scoop.  He worked at it until he was able to work the cookie scoop.

While the cookies were baking, Isaac took time out to read the comics.

Isaac enjoying the fruits of his labors.  He ate two cookies and wanted more.  I sent some home with him and he wanted cookies instead of dinner.

Not a bad thought:
Life is short, eat dessert first

It was a lot of fun cooking with my grandson.  We will be doing a lot more of it in the future.