This blog contains the rantings, ravings and thoughts of a sometimes lunatic. It will also contain cartoons and other thoughts I like.

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Sunday, September 5, 2010

April and the ice cream dasher

April this is for you.  This summer we have had Vickie's cousin April and her family over a couple of times for dinner and ice cream.  One of the treats is liking the dasher and guess who won.  This particular time I made malted vanilla ice cream and everyone enjoyed it.  THere is always room for homemade ice cream.  Enjoy April, we love you and your family.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Happy 4th of July

Isaac, McKenzie and Julia eating ice cream and watching fireworks.

Yesterday was the 4 th of July.  We had a great time at our house.  Cathi, Shawn and Isaac came over, as well as Vickie's cousin April and her husband Chay and their girls McKenzie and Julia.  We did the usual grilling.  Had lots to eat and even had some fireworks for the kids.  Along the way we made homemade ice cream, that was enjoyed by all.  We invited the Bishop and Sally Doxey and the Lower family over to help eat the ice cream because homemade ice cream is only good when it is fresh.

We are thankful for the freedom we enjoy and very thanful for those who put themselves in harms way to protect our freedom.  God bless America.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Like Grandpa
Grandpa lives in his coveralls.  Isaac's grandma and grandpa McOmber bought him a pair of coveralls and his grandpa Long happened to have a matching pair.  Grandma Mickey(Long) had to get a picture of us in our matching coverlls.  Grandpa looks rough but Isaac looks cute as ever.
Isaac turned two in April.  This picture was taken at his birthday party.  He is usually so easy going and happy, this tuff guy picture is great.  He had a lot of fun eating his Disney Cars cake.
Today I joined the recipe blog craze.  I have only one recipe on it today but it will grow as cooking is one of my favorite past times.  Just ask Vickie.  The link is:  Check it out and let me know what you think.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

What’s Your Soup Personality?

You’ve heard it a million times: you are what you eat. But what exactly does that mean? According to a study by Brian Wansink of the University of Illinois, it means that the kind of soup you prefer can determine quite a few things about your personality.

When 602 women and 401 men were surveyed by telephone, here’s what Wansink and his researchers found:

The four most popular soups are chicken noodle, tomato, minestrone, and vegetable.

Chicken noodle soup lovers score high on the church-going scale, are fond of pets, are more likely to be stubborn, and less likely to be outdoorsy.

Minestrone slurpers are more likely to be physically fit, nutritionally conscious, family spirited, and on a restricted diet. They are also less likely to own a pet.

Vegetable soup aficionados are homebodies at heart, less likely to be world travelers, less likely to be spontaneous, and more likely to read family and home magazines.

Tomato soup sippers can stomach more adventure, are more likely to be social, and tend to enjoy books and pets.

Two-thirds of those surveyed agreed that soup made them feel better about themselves, and more than half said chicken noodle soup made them feel better when sick.

Monday, January 18, 2010


Mother's be warned - whenever Casanova Isaac is around keep your daughter's locked up or they may get kissed.  His favorite target is Jane Duru.

Orphan Gamer

It is plain to see Isaac is not into fashion.  His Grandma bought him some Sesame Street socks and he wanted one of each on over his pj's.  He is enjoying paying Play Station with his dad.  His controller is hooked up but he doesn't care.

Winter Freeze

We have quite a spell of below freezing dry weather.  For January we are at less than ten per cent of our normal precipitation.  For the last two to three weks the temp has remained about freezing or below.  Times like this it sucks to work outside.  It is quite pretty though when the fog puts a frosty coating on everything.